
Poster session at DGfS 2022

Timm Lichte
Together with Rainer Osswald, I am organizing the computational linguistics poster session at the 44th annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) in Tübingen which will be held online. The poster session is organized by the Special Interest Group on Computational Linguistics of the DGfS. The call for abstracts can be found here: Note that the deadline for submissions is November 23, 2021.

Shared Task at KONVENS 2021

Timm Lichte
Together with Rafael Ehren, Kuba Waszczuk and Laura Kallmeyer, I’m currently organizing a shared task at KONVENS 2021 that aims at disambiguating literal and idiomatic occurrence of German verbal multi-word expressions, so-called verbal idioms (VIDs), in running text. An example would be the VID Das Konzert fiel ins Wasser (‘The concert was canceled’) as opposed to literal counterparts such as Das Handy fiel ins Wasser (‘The mobile phone fell into the water’).

Substitute professorship at the University of Bielefeld

Timm Lichte
In the winter term 2020/2021, I will fill a substitute professorship (50%) on “Applied Computational Linguistics” at the University of Bielefeld. I’m looking forward to teaching an introductory lecture on computational linguistics and a seminar on grammar formalisms. See the teaching section for more details.

Launch of the new website

Timm Lichte
After having used WordPress for a couple of years now, it was time for a change. WordPress is a beast and I realized that I didn’t require a omnipotent CMS for just a couple of pages that are more or less static. More importantly, maintaining WordPress and not being able to use it from my favourite text editor was getting more and more painful. I therefore decided to switch to Hugo, which is a powerful, but entirely static, website generator.